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Raymore, Missouri 64083
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School Safety

"In an estimated 62 percent of districts, officials cited a lack of equipment and expertise as impediments to emergency planning. For example, officials in one Massachusetts school district we visited reported that they do not have adequate locks on some of the doors to school buildings to implement a lockdown procedure. In a North Carolina district we visited, officials said a lack of two-way radios for staff in the elementary schools hinders their ability to communicate with one another and with first responders during an emergency. As demonstrated in these school districts, the lack of equipment would prevent districts from implementing the procedures in their plans and hinder communication among district staff and with first responders during emergencies."

Excerpt from GAO Document.

GAO Emergency Management Study

Status of School District's Planning and Preparedness

Why GAO Did This Study

Events such as the recent shootings by armed intruders in schools across the nation, natural disasters, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and potential pandemics have heightened awareness for the school districts to be prepared to address a range of emergencies within and outside of schools buildings. Congress has raised concerns over school preparedness, with a particular interest in how federal agencies provide assistance to school districts.


This testimony discusses preliminary findings related to GAO's review of emergency management in school districts, including (1) the roles of federal and state governments in establishing requirements and providing resources to school districts for emergency management planning, (2) what school districts have done to plan and prepare for emergencies, and (3) the challenges school districts have experienced in planning for emergencies, and communicating and coordinating with first responders, parents, and students.


More Information

The GAO report from the GAO Office, the Committee on Homeland Security and the House of Representatives specifically addresses communication problems such as NIMS (National Incident Management System) procedures, ICS (Incident Command System) procedures and Interoperability procedures. This was done on a national basis and is most informative for all schools. We at S.J. Jablonski & Associates feel compelled to provide this important information for your school district. There also specific locations and procedures for your school to acquire money for some of these issues.


We also offer an affordable Lease-To-Own program.


Please contact us to discuss how S.J. Jablonski and Associates can assist in improving your school's communications and safety.

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