303 South Silvertop Lane
Raymore, Missouri 64083
Call: 816-591-0637

About SJJA Store

Stan Jablonski has 35+ years of experience in selling communication solutions and providing customer support to businesses, schools and government organizations.


Our company, S.J. Jablonski & Associates, is proud to say that many large local Kansas City school systems have selected our company as sole source vendor for business radios because of superior service, prices of products and the ability to “Pay As You Go” via a special leasing program by Clune Leasing in Kansas City. More information on school benefits can be found on the School Safety page of this website.


We also have several large commercial customers with as many as 4,000+ locations using our business radios.


S.J. Jablonski & Associates staff members are knowledgeable about, and can directly address questions regarding, the Federal Government “Narrowbanding” radio mandate that will take effect on January 1, 2013. The Narrowbanding page will provide you with a clear definition of this issue as well as other sources of education on the subject. This sane, rational view takes all the panic out of the “What To Do” attitude.


In addition to local representatives servicing customers, we are proud to announce that we have Phil Snyder on our staff as well. Phil is a manufacturer's representative with almost forty years of experience in radios. His knowledge of antennas has no peer in the industry. Phil wrote a “white paper” on radios and antennas almost twenty years ago and is still considered the “Bible” of this subject matter.


Thank you for viewing our information. We hope to have you as a customer.


Stan Jablonski

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